Startup Idea a Day #18: Monthly Subscription Marketplace
The 18th post in my "Startup Idea Every Day" series

Startup Idea Every Day #17: Online Learning Marketplace
The 17th startup idea in my series: An online learning marketplace.

Startup Idea Every Day #16: Offline Electronics Factsheet App
Startup idea #16, offline electronics factsheet app.

Startup Idea Every Day #15: Anywhere Webcam
The 15th startup idea in my series, anywhere webcams.

Startup Idea Every Day #14: Browser Compatibility Testing Platform
Startup idea #14, a browser compatibility testing firm.

Startup Idea Every Day #13: iPhone Social Media Consolidator
Startup idea every day #13, an app for consolidating all of your social media.

Build a brand, not an social network presence.
Small businesses and startups should not be building online presences, they should be building brands.

Startup Idea Every Day #12: Integrated Home Electronics
My eleventh startup idea, a company that integrates all of your home appliances.

Welcome to "The dot-X Bubble"
An explanation of why we are now in the next dot com bubble.

Startup Idea A Day #11: Downtown Food Delivery
The eleventh post in my startup idea series: Downtown Food Delivery