Startup Idea Every Day #16: Offline Electronics Factsheet App
This is the 16th post in my series "A new startup idea every day".
This is more of an iOS App idea, but it's got a lot of potential because of how simple and in-demand it is. If you're like me, you've dabbled in electronics, or maybe your proficient in building circuits and computers and what not. Regardless, chances are at some point you've wished you had an app that would easily allow you to access all of the fact-sheets for a wide variety of electronic circuits and components.
What's really cool about this idea is that apps like this are super simple to build, all you have to do is automate the process of collecting and displaying the data, which is fortunately very simple.
Price point? You could easily sell an app that provides this service for $3/download, maybe more, plus a lite version. Also, as part of an expansion on this idea, it would be really cool to create an app that would allow you to build and test circuits using common electrical components.
An app that would allow you to simulate actual electrical components would be super awesome, because you could sell that for HUGE $$$. Imagine you approach a company that makes circuits professional, and you have software that can cut their prototyping time/money in half?
This idea has fundamental value because working with electrical circuits is only going to increase, building a startup in that space will definitely be capable of picking up money.