
Startup Idea Every Day #15: Anywhere Webcam

This is the 15th post in my series "A new startup idea every day".

I recently just bought all the supplies for a raspberry pi webcam, and I thought about how cool it would be if you could monitor anything anywhere, for only $100-$200.

At that price point, you can easily get a small computer (raspberry pi), a wifi antenna capable of about a mile of reception, and a webcam. Startup idea #15 is to make a company that streamlines the process of setting up a webcam.


  1. Most comprehensive baby monitor ever! Having a website to monitor your kids is baller parenting.
  2. Surf cams?
  3. Security.
  4. Catch raccoons in the act.
  5. Get creative

I think this idea pretty much explains itself.

Written by
Programmer, Entrepreneur, Startup Enthusiast