Startup Idea Every Day #10:Gym Friend Finder
The 10th startup idea in my startup idea every day series: Gym Friend Finder

Startup Idea Every Day #9: Learning Network Syndicate
Startup Idea #8: A syndicated learning network.

Startup Idea Every Day #8: Track Meteors with Meteor JS.
Startup idea number 8, tracking the end of the earth with Meteor JS.

Startup Idea Every Day #7: Local Brand Investing Hub
My 7th startup idea for 2014, an investing hub for local brands.

Startup Idea Every Day #6: Social Media Intelligence
The idea for a company that offers social media intelligence and data mining.

Codestamp: The roadmap to creating graceful deprecation of informative articles.
Using codestamps to allow information to deprecate responsibly

Startup Idea Every Day #5: Social Donation Leaderboard.
Startup Idea a Day #5: Social Donation Leaderboard.

What It Takes to Work at a Startup
The things you need to realize when you work in a startup environment.

Startup Idea Every Day #4: 3D Printing and Copy Shop
Startup Idea a Day #4: A physical 3D print and copy shop (like Kinko's).

Startup Idea Every Day #3: A Career Certification Company
Startup Idea #4: Career certification for technical professionals.