Web Page Backgrounds Are Supposed To Be Ugly
What I learned about how I could improve my web design, and the basics of page-backgrounds.

Startup Idea Every Day #2: Personal Errand Drones.
Idea number two of my series: Startup Idea Every Day. A new startup idea every day, for 31 days.

A Startup Idea Every Day #1.
Idea number one of my series: Startup Idea Every Day. A new startup idea every day, for 31 days.

Testing Code: 3 reasons why you should do what I once thought was pointless.
Why writing tests for your code is important, and how to avoid making the same mistakes I made.

Hello World
Ok, so all the cool kids are doing it — starting a blog that is. My name is Brian Wheeler. I'm the coder behind ChannelPop.com, as well as a rails developer for The Activity Exchange Inc. I enjoy using code to find creative solutions to complex problems. I hope I can help others get the most out of their dev-time.
Eventually I'm going to be putting up code snippets and screencasts and tutorials and stuff, but at the time of this writing, things are pretty dry.
Thanks for stopping by,