Brian Wheeler

Welcome to my Mind

Web Page Backgrounds Are Supposed To Be Ugly

What I learned about how I could improve my web design, and the basics of page-backgrounds.

Written By
Brian Wheeler

Startup Idea Every Day #2: Personal Errand Drones.

Idea number two of my series: Startup Idea Every Day. A new startup idea every day, for 31 days.

Written By
Brian Wheeler

A Startup Idea Every Day #1.

Idea number one of my series: Startup Idea Every Day. A new startup idea every day, for 31 days.

Written By
Brian Wheeler

Testing Code: 3 reasons why you should do what I once thought was pointless.

Why writing tests for your code is important, and how to avoid making the same mistakes I made.

Written By
Brian Wheeler

Hello World

Ok, so all the cool kids are doing it — starting a blog that is. My name is Brian Wheeler. I'm the coder behind, as well as a rails developer for The Activity Exchange Inc. I enjoy using code to find creative solutions to complex problems. I hope I can help others get the most out of their dev-time.

Eventually I'm going to be putting up code snippets and screencasts and tutorials and stuff, but at the time of this writing, things are pretty dry.

Thanks for stopping by,


Written By
Brian Wheeler

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