Startup Idea Every Day #10:Gym Friend Finder
This is the tenth post in my series "A new startup idea every day".
Going to the gym blows...
I better not say, that I might get fired. (I work at a health-based startup)
But seriously, going to the gym is intimidating, and once your there it can be hard to push yourself. Sure you could hire a personal trainer, and there are now a million apps that will allow you to chat with one, but what if you want someone you know to train with you? Well the goal of this idea is to be able to enter in your height and weight, as well as your training goals, and you would be paired up with someone in your network who has also entered in similar stats, all the while keeping user data confidential.
This idea rocks, because training with someone in significantly better or worse shape sucks. Either you feel like you can't push yourself to your desired limit, or you get the sense that your holding back your partner.
Getting money from the fitness industry easy. Selling fitness products within an established user base is like selling coffee in Seattle. As long as the product was free, and people felt like they could use it without feeling insecure or threatened, you could definitely build a user base.
On top of the monetization mentioned, you could also become a promoter for fitness events, personal trainers, and even gyms. There is huge money in the health space, you barely even have to look for it.