
Startup Idea Every Day #8: Track Meteors with Meteor JS.

This is my 8th post in my series "A new startup idea every day", and if you couldn't tell by the substance of the title, I am exhausting every bit of creativity. I feel like I'm at the heartbreak hill of ingenuity...

But seriously, I've been wanting to write about Meteor JS for a while, which is this awesome web framework that allows for super cool real-time serving of data and direct client-database interaction. Awesome right? I was brainstorming ways to use the features provided, and I thought, what about a startup that tracks hurricanes, tornadoes, disease outbreaks, meteors, asteroids, volcanoes, and other natural disasters in real time, and then alert subscribers about potential armageddon scenarios.

Monetization? Simple. Charge a monthly fee to receive premium access and real-time alerts about the latest and greatest in brewing apocalypse scenarios. Additionally, as an upsell, you could offer an online store for things such as guns & ammo, canned food, small aircraft, and even boats.

I know it may seem frivolous, but people have definitely sold far more impotent products for a lot of money. (A certain time-constrained photo sharing service comes to mind).

If you are interested in checking out a demo of the web framework meteor, you can visit my sample meteor site. I plan on writing and/or recording a whole tutorial soon.

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Programmer, Entrepreneur, Startup Enthusiast