Build a brand, not an social network presence.
Stop asking for "likes" or "follows",
no one cares about "retweets", and your brand is not, and never will be defined by your social network presence. Your brand is defined by your products you offer and the content you provide. This is the bottom line, period.
The above statement is going to put me in seriously hot water with a lot of people, and to be fair it was definitely an oversimplification of a more complex issue, what I was really trying to say was this is the internet, we want quantity over quality. Again, that was kind of inflammatory, but what I'm trying to say is that there is no reason to waste time nitpicking about the little stuff, because it will go completely unnoticed. From hereon, no more contentious statements, I'm going to consolidate my thoughts into a list of the top 6 things you can do to improve you brand online.
Produce content regularly. Seriously, every day, make more content. This will tell google that your site is fresh. If you produce continually more content, google will know your site is growing. I cannot stress this enough, content content content!
Stop checking your google analytics/twitter/facebook page. You have the amount of traffic/followers/likes you have, no amount of page refreshing is going to change that. I promise.
Use common sense by not buying likes, traffic, follows, views, or whatever metric your looking at.
Have an App on the App Store. Seriously this is huge. The reason that having an app is big is because if your having a conversation with someone about your project, and you have an app, they can view your project before the conversation ends, whereas with only a website, they have to remember to go online later.
Use common SEO best practices. Don't go overkill with it, just do the basics. Add a site description, author, subject, and use the other relevant meta tags.
Make your page load quickly. This is another important feature in getting users. If your page load takes more than 4 seconds, you've just lost most of your audience.
I hope this helped anyone interested in building an online brand. Good luck!