Startup Challenge: Build a profitable business on a simple idea as fast as possible
I like challenging myself, and lately I've learned something about myself that I would like to improve...

5 Reasons you're not at a startup
Startups are more than just company size, there also an idea and a mentality, a mindset and a way of life, a set of rules and practices that aren't written or spoken, they just exist. Not being a part of a startup isn't necessarily a bad thing. All companies must grow at some point, here are five indicators that you are past your startup phase...

MeteorCast #3: How To Use Session Variables in Meteor.JS
The third meteorcast

Become an OAuth2 Provider
I know, you've been waiting for the day where you could become an OAuth2 provider, without building your own OAuth2 server and authentication...

Delete with AJAX in Rails
One of the biggest pains in Rails when you're just starting out is that there is no AJAX, and it can be laborious to add AJAX to your site. The easiest AJAX snippet to add, by far, is...

Understanding Computer Network Security Part 1: Wireless Network Sniffing
Helping to fight ignorance about computer security by means of education. Share this post to fight supidity!