Startup Challenge: Build a profitable business on a simple idea as fast as possible
I like challenging myself, and lately I've learned something about myself that I would like to improve. I suck at selling things. So over the next few weeks, or maybe months, I'm going to blog about a new challenge that I've created for my self. Build a simple product and get as many customers as possible.
So here's the idea: recently I offered to my friend to set up a website for his super awesome business making bean-to-bar chocolate., and I realized how incredibly painful the process is. I'm building a website that is essentially a landing page service for small businesses.
I know it sounds cliché, so it's important to understand that this is not another website builder.
- It's not Wix
- It's not a blogging engine
- It's not like anything you've ever seen before
The closest thing I can compare it to is LaunchRock, but a little more detailed, and for small businesses, not startups.
The goal is to give local businesses the ability to set up a basic info website and register a domain for $17/month. And the sweetest part is that they never have to deal with a domain registrar.
I'm going to handle the domain registration for them. They can make the site, enter a credit card, and then using a domain registration API, I'm going to register the domain and set the records for them because I am a kick-ass developer (insert humility here, amirite?).
No more godaddys or network solutions or 1and1s. The working title is Localizr, because it is geared towards small businesses, and it's on it's way to creating a start to finish website for any and all small businesses.