
5 Reasons you're not at a startup

Startups are more than just company size, there also an idea and a mentality, a mindset and a way of life, a set of rules and practices that aren't written or spoken, they just exist. Not being a part of a startup isn't necessarily a bad thing. All companies must grow at some point, here are five indicators that you are past your startup phase.


You have a last name in your email.

Yes, if you work at a startup, and your email is anything other than, you are not at a startup. Why? This is a clear distinction between the founders and the employees. It's sort of like a secretive email cast system that companies employ to deliniate between the starters and the joiners. Having a last initial is a way of saying "this company doesn't know you on a first name basis". For example, when I say Jeff at Amazon, that is ONE person (Jeff Bezos). Same thing with Mark at Facebook or Tony at Zappos. Those people are on a first name basis with their company. If you have a last name or an initial in your email, you are not.


You don't have stock.

This is an obvious one. No stock, not at a startup.


You have a schedule.

If you clock in, clock out, or have someone to answer to, you're not at a startup. Startups are supposed to be relatively flat in structure, and everyones' work speaks for itself. Having a time tracker, or some bullshit method of timetracking or project management, you are not at a startup.


You don't make your own decisions.

The other day, I literally had my superior tell me, in my code, that the following lines

call_a.function() if condition_if_true?

Should be changed to

if condition_is_true?

for "clarity". I was about ready to blow my brains out. If you don't have the freedom to make your own decisions and take control of the projects you work on, guess what, you're not at a startup.


You don't feel like part of the team.

If you feel like there are decisions being made without you even knowing about them, or like you're not really in the loop, chances are you are not at a startup, just a small company. When you work in a startup environment, you know every intimate detail of the company, so much so that your probably sick of how it invades every aspect of your personal life.

Written by
Programmer, Entrepreneur, Startup Enthusiast