How to migrate a blog
Migrating a blog can be tricky; there are a few things you may not think about, but you're going to want to pay attention to...

Optimize your work efficiency with tips for using Google Chrome
Google Chrome is a more powerful piece of software than you might think. There are a number of invaluable hotkeys, shortcuts, and tips that can optimize your work efficiency...

How the hell do companies raise money without profit?
If I were to tell you I had a company whose business model was to get as many customers as possible, at a loss, and then worry about the whole money thing later, you'd laugh in my face; right? Please say yes...

How to send a meaningful email.
I've sent a **ton** of emails this last week; cold emails, intros, follow ups, you name it. No rest for the wicked. I've decided that it's about time someone wrote about this.

Why I hate the phrase Corporate America
Hang tight, this is going to get a little Ayn-Randian. I'm not crazy, I'm just sick of these bull shit buzzwords.

Track the time (benchmark) a command takes in *NIX
TL;DR: use the `time` command.

Ruby on Rails Controller VS. Model
Often times the question comes up in Rails regarding what code belongs in the model vs the controller. Picture this...

Unicoins are the Greatest Thing Ever
Stack overflow started a thing called Unicoins...

Startup Challenge Update: Delegating design with Elance
So... I'm bad at sales. I can't sell things, and it's a problem for me. This is why I've started a challenge for myself I'm calling the Startup Challenge. I'm going to sell a simple...