
Unicoins are the Greatest Thing Ever

If you haven't been on Stack Overflow yet today, go now! Stack Overflow has introduced an awesome new cyber-currency, UNICOINS!

Unicoins can be used to do awesome things such as multiply your reputation by 10, or place your own avatar on a tag!

Obviously this is an April Fools Joke, but it's probably one of the best ones ever. If you want all the unicorns in the world, here is an auto-miner, written on this SO thread

(function uniMine()
    $.getJSON('/unicoin/rock', function(data)
            $.post('/unicoin/mine?rock=' + data.rock, {fkey: StackExchange.options.user.fkey});
        }, 10000);
    setTimeout(uniMine, 11000);

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Programmer, Entrepreneur, Startup Enthusiast